Daily Archives: September 28, 2012

Monday… er… Friday Moanin’ ~ Week Four ~ Browns 16 @ Ravens 23

Ugh…. 0-4… Bring on the freakin’ Giants in 9 days..

I’ll tell ya what, I really thought Baltimore was gonna destroy us, but that was a pretty entertaining game! Thank God we had official officials, so I didn’t have to worry about anyone trying to place the ball on the 65 yardline!

Yeah, Flacco fired the ball to move the chains at will, and Anquan Boldin… he was on fire! I DREAM of us someday having a WR like that. Instead, we’re stuck with…

Greg freakin’ Little. I don’t care if the ball was thrown high or the rain was wet. You jumped way up in the air so it could go RIGHT THROUGH YOUR HANDS! You jackass. You’re a big waste of athleticism. And your hair looks stupid with your fauxhawk or mohawk or whatever. I wish Ray Lewis would’ve just put you out of our misery and stabbed you after the game!

And it looked like the Browns were gonna use Josh Cribbs more on the offense; at least it appeared that way early on…

… until he died returning a punt. R.I.P. buddy. I’ll never forget your… JUST KIDDING. He’s fine. He actually walked off the field after he regained consciousness.

There were some bright spots, however. Brandon Weeden looked really good again. He made some rookie mistakes and I’m fine with that. The people who keep spouting off about Colt McCoy potentially playing better than Weeden must have been concussed at some point since last season. Go look at his stats! He went 6-15 as a starter… Most of his wins featured a heavy dose of Peyton Hillis running the ball.

Speaking of running the ball… Why doesn’t Cleveland try to run the ball more? Seriously… we trade some draft picks to move up and grab Trent Richardson at #3 in Aprils draft. He’s a beast! A freak of nature…

… and yet he only got 14 carries last night? That’s bullshit! He should be getting 25 carries a game; and not that up the middle shit… sweeps and screens… get him in space already. He will kick ass!

Alright… sorry, I’m getting bitchy again. Another bright spot?

Linebacker Craig Robertson…

Here he is picking off Flacco…

That kid was all over the field last night! He’s gonna be a stud!

Another one of my personal favorites? Rookie WR Travis Benjamin out of the University of Miami….

He’s scary fast and with a little experience he’s gonna become a serious threat. Unfortunately, he’s not being utilized correctly by the coaches. Stick him in the slot and let him gash defenses across the middle..

Anyway… I expect coach Shurmer to get the boot after Jimmy Haslam III takes over ownership of the team in a couple weeks…

The play calling has been terrible and predictable; and to only run Trent Richardson 14 times out of 70 offensive plays is ridiculous. There needs to be more of a balance with the pass/run game and Shurmer can’t figure it out…

Haslam wants a winning team, and so do us Browns fans. He’s gonna make it happen! I hate to rebuild…again… but it’s critically necessary and Haslam is just the man to do it!


Hug your children and love them every day

Previous weeks:

Week 3: Bills 24 ~ Browns 14 – All around problems.
Week 2: Bengals 34 ~ Browns 27 – Our Special teams are dawgshit.
Week 1: Eagles 17 ~ Browns 16 – The sickly debut of Brandon Weeden.